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Karen Fumes When Woman Refuses Kid's Advances To Pet Her Dog, Causes Scene In Supermarket

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    Font - Posted by u/randohs 2 days ago AITA for bringing my dog in a local supermarket and telling a kid not to pet it?

    If you ask us, nah.

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    Human body - I (21F) have a large breed dog which is a mix of several things. He weighs easily over a 100pounds and admittedly is a scary looking critter.


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    Font - We have a locally sourced and owned small supermarket which I try to shop from because the owners are lovely and I have spoken with them several times and I know business is hard.
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    Font - The male owner in particular really likes my dog. He is my neighbour so he has watched my dog several times out front while I shop in (per his offer, I'd never ask. My BF used to stay out with him but the owner thought we'd enjoy going in together)
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    Human body - Eventually the male owner just told me to go ahead and take the dog in. I have gone in several times and my dog has stayed put and never caused trouble.
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    Font - Well, yesterday I was browsing the isles and a kid around 8 or 9years, came running and reached down to pet my dog. Just to be save I asked him not to do it and where his parents are. I don't have kids but I figured some parents do not enjoy their children petting unfamiliar dogs. The kid scowled at me and just took a few steps back and started intently staring at the dog, maybe hoping it will go to him.
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    Handwriting - Well, his mom showed up eventually and the minute he saw her he madly started pointing at the dog, saying- the lady won't let me pet it, the lady won't let me pet it! She waved him off and said, go ahead.

    The moment it all went downhill.

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  • 8
    Font - I got annoyed because nobody asked ME if I am allowing the interaction and called my dog between my legs. I told her he cannot be petted and she just assumed the dog was aggressive. She grabbed the kid and asked me what I have done to the poor animal. I was confused and attempted to walk away, but she stepped in front of me and kept demanding an explanation as to why the dog cannot be petted what did I do to it, why was it even in a supermarket to begin with.

    "I got annoyed because nobody asked ME if I am allowing the interaction and called my dog between my legs. I told her he cannot be petted and she just assumed the dog was aggressive. She grabbed the kid and asked me what I have done to the poor animal. I was confused and attempted to walk away, but she stepped in front of me and kept demanding an explanation as to why the dog cannot be petted what did I do to it, why was it even in a supermarket to begin with."

    Nobody owes you jack squat, Karen.

  • 9
    Font - I got fed up and told her to mind her business and she grabbed my arm and the dog growled. She reported me to the girl working at the cash register and I was asked to leave reluctantly. The girl came outside to bring me my grocery bags and for me to hand her cash and as she knew the dog, she bent down and gave him some cuddles.
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    Font - The mom came out and saw and called me a complete asshole, she was reporting the shop to the health inspection for letting dirty dogs in and stormed off. I think I might have been the a-hole because there was no real reason beside me being annoyed not to let the kid pet my dog. AITA? Edit: not in the USA, no laws that I am aware of prohibiting pets in supermarkets. As far as I am aware each store has a policy.
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  • 11
    Font - tonysvanstro Asshole Aficionado [18] ago NTA. I just hate child owners that don't keep their aggressive kids under control. And it always turns out that the owner of said child is what created the aggressiveness to begin with. 3.8k Reply Share •• •
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    Font - Otherwise_Window · 2 days ago Professor Emeritass [91] ESH. AITA for bringing my dog in a local supermarket Yes. And the owner is an idiot for letting you. This could have serious consequences for him, non-service animals should not be in food areas. However, the child's mother should absolutely be teaching him that you do not touch or even approach other people's dogs without the owner's express invitation.
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    Font - RedDeadEddie · 2 days ago Partassipant [2] NTA. That lady and her kid are hella entitled; you're well within your rights to not want randos petting your dog without your permission and it was incredibly AH-ish of her to make a stink.

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