Wistful Worker Splits Opinion After Claiming They Miss Their Long Commute

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    Font - r/The10thDentist u/therellenoswithin • 18h I loved commuting for four hours daily and still miss it. Society/Culture I used to commute for 2 hours each way in Colorado on a very busy, clogged interstate. Ever since then, I've definitely missed having a long commute time. I loved getting caught up in traffic, knowing I would have the extra minutes to myself before the office. I loved the adrenaline of dealing with dangerous and strange driving behavior on the interstate. There was time to
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    The unusual opinion attracted both supporters and detractors.

    Font - Vexans27 17h 4 hours is a bit extreme but I definitely relate a bit. I have a 20 min commute and its probably the most relaxing part of my day, everyday. G Reply 1 479 3 + ZuFFuLuZ 14h 20 minutes I can understand, but not longer than that, especially not 4 hours.I have a 1 hour commute each way and would kill for 20 minutes. That is so much extra time that I spend every week on work without getting paid, it's absurd.If you have a short commute and need more time to relax, you can always b
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    Font - HexOfTheRitual 16h Bro you can spend those two hours at home drinking two full cups of hot coffee while doing something relaxing to unwind, and two hours after work chilling to unwind lol 6 Reply 企207 3 GeoffAO2 15h Some people really do enjoy commuting. I have a 30 minute commute. It's about as short as l'd want it to be. I want time to shift mental gears between work and home. Each is its own environment, and any stress or irritation from work is best left there. For me, 30 minutes is e
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    Rectangle - therellenoswithin OP • 14h The gear-switching thing is a huge benefit of commuting. I actually enjoyed public transport for this even more because I could really space out and spend a ton of time planning and processing things
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    Font - iMac_Hunt 5h There was a guy at my last job who said he loved his 1 hour commute to work and I said someone similar to what you've said. His response was 'you are talking as someone who doesn't have children. Home time isn't relax time for me. The moral of story is that not everyone can relax at home, and also to not have children.
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    Font - NotDelnor 17h I used to be a distribution manager for a newspaper and usually spent about 6 hours/day driving for various reasons. I wasn't commuting, I got to drive a company car, and I got paid for the driving, but I understand the sentiment. I enjoy driving a lot and I got to keep up with several different podcasts. Now I have a 10 minute commute to a job that requires no driving and I definitely miss it. 6 Reply * 105 3 therellenoswithin OP • 17h |I got to keep up with several differe
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    Font - showmetheyarn 16h I can vaguely understand because I have a longer commute time at 55 minutes each way and it does give me some time to decompress but jeez it's expensive it takes way more maintenance on my car I feel like I don't have a lot of time for doctors appointments vet appointments grooming appointments because I practically have to take a half day instead of just an hour or two. When an emergency happened I had to stay overnight in the other town. I think it's worse now that I g
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    Rectangle - shadowabsinthe 16h You are a strange strange individual..have an upvote. 6 Reply 仓 22
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    Organism - GFXJG 17h Do/did you hate your life at home by any chance? Otherwise, this is utterly nonsensical, and you are a strange, strange individual. G Reply 107 3 therellenoswithin OP • 17h Not really. I didn't hate work either. I do like doing nothing more than average. Like sitting in the same place for a really long time. That's my best theory as to why I liked this so much.
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    Font - MountainSharkMan 16h There's something about doing a routine that's very good for anxiety. I've heard people talking about their daily ritual of making coffee in the morning and it's the act of preparing it moreso than the coffee itself. I had a similar effect from coming home from smoking a joint at the end of the day, I think I actually enjoyed rolling and smoking more than being high. Makes similar sense to your ritual of setting into the car playing your podcasts and relaxing into the
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    After a mixed reaction, the Redditor fielded some questions.

    Font - |Do/did you hate your life at home by any chance? Not particularly. I never got much time alone, though. | you might enjoy being a trucker public transit even better. did that afterwards for about 1.75 hrs each way before leaving the Denver area. it was awesome. book reading and a bunch of weird folks to chat with My dream. Unfortunately I actually suck at driving. Leaves less time for schoolwork, sleep, fun, family, anything. ^Objectively true. I don't like free time, which is something


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