Dad's come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them encourage their kids to get into sports, while others encourage their kids to learn an instrument. Most quality ones probably just encourage their kids to do whatever they are passionate about. But who are we to decide what makes someone a bomb-a$$ dad. We have our theories of course since we write about parenting so very much. We have found, at least on our end, that a major indicator of someone being a great father is their sense of humor. It also makes the 24/7 job that is being a parent a little lighter in our opinion. You can easily get overwhelmed by all of the things you need to complete both for yourself, your spouse, and your children. So if you're able to laugh at it all, it must help at least a little. If you're a parent that likes to laugh or a person that likes to laugh at parents, you're bound to enjoy these Tweets.
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