Animal Comedy Newsletter

Cutest Cockatiel Creates His Own Sweet Little Melody and Starts Tweeting Down the Catchiest Beat


Birds are the cutest thing. If you have a pet bird, then you know. Some you can even teach to say words! Others, just pick up on words—and melodies—on their own. 


An adorable yellow cockatiel on TikTok is going viral right now due to the sick fire beat he starts to throw down after its owner says “cookie” somewhat melodically. 

The owner just says “cookieeee cookie!” and then the little guy takes it from there. He bobs his head up and down while adding his own remix to the “cookie” melody. And he legit makes a very catchy beat. Viewers are saying they can't help but bob along to his tweeting as he excitedly tweets his little birdy song. The little guy even creates his own choreography dance moves to the song he's singing. 

“Who else immediately started bopping with him?”
“How he improvised and added his own beats though!”
“I’m waiting for the remix.”
“When he added in his little beats and that rolled r!!!!!”
“I immediately started jamming.”
"Omg the birb is literally just vibing in its own little cute world!"


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