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In general, it's not a good idea to get in the way of a reckless driver. Using your own vehicle to block a road-raging Karen is a great way to get yourself mangled, and it's always best to let insane drivers use their own insanity to get as far away from you as possible. And in the event of an actual emergency, you can't actually know what's going on in someone's car that's making them drive like a lunatic.
But this time around, Karen was just being a Karen. She insisted that the shoulder was her own personal passing lane, and this semi-truck driver took it upon themselves to make sure she quite literally stayed in her lane. In her attempt to escape traffic, she ended up zooping right into a cop car. So technically, she did end up not having to sit in a traffic jam anymore, thus achieving her goal. It's nice when things work out for everyone.
For another slice of the Karen life, here's a person who watched a Karen ruin her own car.
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