Time flies when you're having "fun." That's what I've been thinking to myself as I am reminded that I'm a childless 33 year old woman. Here in New York City, my friends have taken longer than most to go on the long and exhausting journey of procreation. My married and coupled friends, though, are starting to pop them out, slowly but surely, and I'm completely mystified. The woman who is making her kid's baby food from scratch every week is the same woman I used to run into at clubs three years ago when she had clearly taken way too many substances. While it may feel surreal that I've entered the age of child rearing, I don't harbor any negative feelings. Just awe at the fact that these parents feel comfortable enough to bring a brand spankin' new human into this terrible world. And that they feel comfortable keeping that human alive.
While I don't have kids of my own, I do enjoy them vicariously. And I feel pretty clued into the parenting world thanks to the wealth of parenting memes and tweets that can be found every week on the internet. We've put together another collection of the latest and greatest tweets from funny and frustrated parents. You don't even have to have a kid to enjoy them.