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Broken Up Couple Turns To Reddit To See Who Keeps The Cat

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    Such A Bummer

    Font - So I broke up with my girlfriend of 8 years, Shelby, about a month ago. The reason was her deciding she wanted to have a child. We agreed to be child free when we got together in high school but she changed her mind. The break up was hard on both of us, but more so her. That being said I'm trying to be as kind as possible. Figuring out the logistics has been like pulling teeth the whole time. We had to decide how to split our furniture and things but Shelby would get upset when I brought

    As people progress through their lives, their needs and wants change. Even if you're in a relationship, you're going to be growing individually along with the collective growth that happens in your couple (or throuple, or whatever– we don't judge). So, it's a bummer that this woman's priorities changed, but we can't blame her or her partner for the way that they're handling things. 

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    That's Not Going To Work

    Font - Then she told me that she hadn't found a place yet and she was going to move back in with her parents. My problem with that, is we have a cat, Felix. Three years ago we adopted a kitten that Shelby wanted even though I was never a cat person. We agreed at the time that she would take care of him, but that quickly fell onto me. I've taken care of Felix by myself for years, including vet appointments, and I didn't mind because I love him. We hadn't discussed the cat yet, I think because it

    So, OP clarifies later in the thread that the couple's work schedules made it so that he had to take care of the cat. He's not mad at his ex that he had to care of things, but that being said, he's trying to continue doing that in this next stage of their lives. That can't have come as a shock to his girlfriend, but it also can't have felt too good. 

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    What Are We Thinking?

    Font - She got upset and accused me of being spiteful. I told her I wasn't trying to take him from her, I just didn't want him at her parents. When she found another place she was welcome to have him back. She started crying and saying how I wanted to "take everything from her." I told her it was her fault she felt that way because I asked for her input in splitting our stuff and she gave me nothing. I said we could talk about anything she wanted item wise but the cat stays with me. She agreed b
  • 4

    Sounds About Right

    Font - ( Ivyblueberryhill 12 days ago Partassipant [2] NTA. Break ups are hard. You're doing your best to look out for the well- being of your pet, and the fact that you told her it's only temporary and she can have him back when she has a comfortable place is doing exactly that. Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow 1.6k
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    Like Mother And Father, Like Daughter

    Font - Petey Porkchops 12 days ago Certified Proctologist [27] NTA. You took over the care of her cat and have been for 3 years. If she gets the cat it's going into a disgusting environment where it will be just another neglected animal. GOD 235 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow StreetofChimes 12 days ago Asshole Enthusiast [8] Yeah. The apple didn't fall far from the tree on the animal neglect here. I wonder if the ex girlfriend has ever commented on her parents' treatment of animals. O
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    Good Ol' Felix

    Font - Old AmbaSlip 12 days ago Partassipant [1] NTA. You're doing what's best for Felix. She's enjoyed having a furbaby without taking on any of the responsibility, which should go hand in hand. She's probably relying on her parents to take care of him, when they already have more animals than they can handle. Once she finds a place of her own you can reassess the situation, though I think Felix is already in the best home. Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow 547
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    We <3 Furbabies

    Rectangle - ouroborosstruggles Certified Proctologist [28] It's about what's best for your furbaby. And that's NOT going into an environment that may already have too many other animals, especially if the cat has been and "only" pet for years. NTA. 12 days ago 376 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
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    That's Where We're Leaning

    Font - Fine_Shoulder_4740 12 days ago Partassipant [1] I would say NAH because she really hasn't done anything wrong per se Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow 15
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    Amen To That

    Font - Resolute Muse 12 days ago Certified Proctologist [27] NAH This is just a sad sad situation. ↑ 37 Reply Give Award
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    Nobody's In The Wrong

    Font - DarlingGem 12 days ago Partassipant [2] NAH. Breaks ups after relationships are complex and emotional. The cat living situation was always going to be the hardest decision as you both love the cat. I see that your putting it's well-being first (for that alone I think the cat should end up with you as the other pets may not take well to it) as well as saying she can have the cat back when she moves out of her parents home, which is actually incredibly generous. 74 Reply Give Award Share Re

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