Neighborhood Parking Dispute Escalates Into $100,000 Extension Removal


 It's the kind of idea that pops up frequently around the internet as an ‘unethical life pro tip,' and a quick Google search also reveals that Will Smith has recently been credited with the term as if he created it. What now? Come again? The idea of claiming to coin a universal colloquialism like this is the dumbest thing I have heard of since Taylor Swift (successfully) trademarked the term “Haters gonna hate." Just another signifier of the dystopian commodity-driven world we inhabit. 

Back to the point at hand, this story serves as a prime example of why you should never break two rules at once, lest the minor infraction end up damning you big time by exposing the more serious one; This neighbor refused to be respectful with their extension, and it ended up costing them massively when they had to tear down an unregulated extension they had put in.

Keep reading for the screenshots and for more check out these neighbors who refused to stop using a dude's driveway and got arrested and fined. 


via u/killjoy2408

via u/killjoy2408

via u/killjoy2408


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