Pet Sitter Blows Off Work, Has Audacity To Get Mad When She Isn't Paid

  • 01

    Just One Big Happy Family

    Font - My husband and I just got back from our week-long honeymoon. We have two pets, my husband's elderly Lab mix, and my parrot. Both of our pets are rescues with special needs; my husband's dog has epilepsy, and my parrot (a 25-year-old African Grey) is prone to plucking when he is stressed. We left our animals with a pet sitter from an app recommended to us by a friend who also has special needs animals. She said that she had plenty of previous experience with birds and dogs.
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  • 02

    They Even Made Packets!

    Font - We gave her a packet of instructions for each animal, locations for everything in the house she would need, our phone numbers, emergency numbers, and vet locations for each animal. I went over the list with her when we met in person but told her that the most important things (besides feeding them) were that the dog is given her medication at the correct times and let out at least three times a day, and that the parrot needed to be out of his cage for at least an hour every day and have s
  • 03

    The Audacity...

    Font - When we got home there was dog urine and feces all over the carpet, and it smelled awful. The back door was unlocked, and the dog was left outside when we specifically instructed that she is not to be left outside unsupervised. When I went to check on my parrot, his cage was completely covered with a sheet, even though I told her that he hates being covered, and the room was completely dark (it was the middle of the day). When I uncovered him, I found out that he had plucked most of the f
  • 04

    How Disgusting Is This?

    Font - I texted the pet sitter, asking what happened and she said that she didn't think we were going to be home so early and that she meant to clean up when she got to the house. She arrived at the house later that day and I told her that we needed to discuss her pay, given the condition of our house, and that our animals were obviously not taken care of the way that we asked. She said that both of the animals were having behavior issues, and this is how she knew to handle these issues. We told
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  • 05

    Can't Believe She Didn't Call

    Rectangle - NUT-me-SHELL - 18 days ago His Holiness the Poop [1052] NTA. If your pets were having "behavior issues" she should've contacted you to discuss them with you before taking it upon herself to neglect them. Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow 190
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    The Nerve On Some People

    Font - columbospeugeot. Professor Emeritass [80] 18 days ago She has some nerve. You are definitely NTA. Be sure to leave a poor but factual review on the app and find out if there's a way to report her to the people/company that runs the app. I hope your pup and parrot are doing better asap 118 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
  • 07

    She Didn't Deserve A Cent

    Font - H panic bread 18 days ago Craptain [191] Why are you paying her any more than you already have?! She neglected both of your animals. Don't pay her another cent and report her to the app. ΝΤΑ 89 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
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  • 08

    Very Specific Instructions

    Font - whoamaynifest 18 days ago Partassipant [2] NTA. She was given specific instructions and decided to just do whatever she felt necessary instead of following instructions or reaching out to you about said "behavioral issues." I'd be livid, honestly, and if you hired her through an app I'd reach out to whoever you could about her, along with leaving a scathing review. 50 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
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    Nothing But A Refund Applies Here

    Font - Himkano 18 days ago Certified Proctologist [21] NTA. Honestly, I'm not sure I would have paid her ANY of the second half, since she clearly failed her part of the contract - and misrepresented herself and her ability. Honestly, not paying half is only the beginning of "screwing her over" because then I would go on Yelp (or where ever you found her), and put exactly what you put here. Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow 41 Nalpona_Freesun 18 days ago Colo-rectal Surgeon [34] i would
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    Report, Report, Report

    Font - 01 Glittering Guitar156 18 days ago NTA report her to whoever you used. She texted you daily everything was fine, you get home early and all of a sudden they have behavior issues? I wouldn't have given her any more money. She probably does this with everyone and just cleans before they're expected to come home. Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow 7


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