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Previous Tenants Used To Feed Seagull, Now He Bullies The New Ones To Do The Same

  • 1

    We don't know about you guys, but this may just be the funniest little video we've seen today. It's probably mainly due to the seagull's facial expression. Coming up to her window and acting as if she owes him, the audacity! We love to see it though, hehe

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  • 2
    Human body - Nicholas Smith carry the legacy on girly 3d ago ♡ 28.9K Reply
  • 3
    Smile - azo feed him then 60 60 3d ago 28K Reply
  • 4
    Font - maya Bruh rule number 1 is don't feed the seagulls
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  • 5
    Font - Declan Watson rule 2, ignore rule 1

    Listen, we're not tryna be a bad influence or anything but he's not wrong? Everyone knows that in any given situation, you always ignore rule number 1 and go with 2 because it's more fun. Consequences? Yes, they'll be crazy consequences, but what else is there left to do? 

  • 6
    Ball - Heidi It's so cute
  • 7
    Natural foods - Sophia Creator CUTE?!!?? He tries to break in, he's scratched up our window. He's a villain if I go missing. He did it.
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  • 8
    Font - Xiros or Pigeon Give the man what he wants
  • 9
    Human body - Richard Herring Gull and I'm never going to leave you
  • 10
    Font - A.DAckee It doesn't matter if you were ready or not. If you were aware of it or not but the torch has been passed onto you
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  • 11
    Font - Nice guy He looks so mad at u A
  • 12
    Head - 2 People in the comments have clearly never lived by the sea and it shows. Don't feed the gulls!!!
  • 13
    Human body - Alice Ruel don't worry about the seagull... they steal food everywhere, they're not starving at all

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