This idiot, who insisted on parking in a disabled parking space, got their just desserts when a fire truck needed to access the building. In a carefully orchestrated act of revenge, the paramedic informed the fire crew that their patient's injuries were life-threatening and this gave the fire crew the go-ahead to play some parked car bowling with their truck.
The story was shared to Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by u/Tubist61, who reflected on their days as a paramedic. They posted the story with the title "Dealing with en entitled neighbour."
Commenters voiced their appreciation for the story in the comments.
"There is nothing better than seeing a fire engine push cars around like nothing," said SomethingEnglish in the top comment.
"Seeing the look on the car owner's face when they are presented with the bill for the damage their cars caused the fire engines is a nice bonus, though." replied Wells1632.
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