Out of all the things that we need to keep ourselves alive, food has to be one of the most enjoyable ones. Unless you're some kind of yogi master, there are only so many ways that you can breathe, and no matter how many La Croix flavors they pump out every year, the only thing we need from water is that it's clean. When it comes to sleep, meanwhile, all we can ask is that we get 8+ decent hours of it as often as possible.
In contrast to all these other necessities, food is the real headliner. There are so many edible things, that can be combined so many different ways! Whether some of the more controversial combinations should exist is a matter of debate (forget pineapple on pizza, who the hell is dousing it with ketchup?). Nonetheless, it gives us plenty of material to tuck into when it comes to memes. If you weren't hungry before, you will be now.