The tweet in question came from a @jollier_raptor, who seems to have deleted it swiftly. We're willing to bet they deleted it (and went private) because @FuckYouIQuit shared a screenshot, which promptly went viral.
The expeditious manner of quitting seems to have divided opinion. While some users in the replies think the woman in question deserves a standing ovation, others felt it was either a lazy move or that she had to be wealthy to have put her foot down so quickly.
Here are a few of the differing reactions, from “Never quit” to “Hell yeah.”
A number of users shared their own proud moments of quitting shitty jobs.
One last thought: While we may never know the story behind the vibes, judging by her former boss' Twitter presence, she may have made the right choice.
What do you think? Is it ever okay to quit on your first day?