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A second-date sleepover can lead to the start of something great. It can lead to cuddling, a cute breakfast in the morning, or maybe more "nighttime activity." Unfortunately for this guy, none of those possibilities came to fruition after some really bad pillow talk destroyed any chance at this relationship having legs.
u/Individual_Section_6 aired his grievances on Reddit's r/datingoverthirty subreddit with a thread about a woman who insulted his career after the two were planning on spending the night together for the first time. He acknowledges that his date self-identified as "blunt" from the start, but that was not enough of an excuse for him. When he subsequently called her out, she immediately tried to patch things up and apologize. However, once you show your true cards, it's pretty difficult to take that back and this guy was not about to fall for an insincere apology.
This is what happens when you notice a red flag and confront it immediately rather than put on rose-colored glasses or let feelings of doubt fester. Dismissing your date's career as "meaningless" (that's a DIRECT quote, ladies and gentlemen) is unacceptable, not honest. Scoffing at where your date went to college is a sign of ignorance, not intellectual superiority. And spoiling a great night of fun with a remark like that is the true egregious act here.
We've seen plenty of dating fails recently. Check out these Top Tinder Moments of the week for more.
Keep scrolling below for u/Individual_Section_6's story and the feedback he received on Reddit!
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