Animal Comedy Newsletter

It's Meme O'clock Somewhere: Fresh And Funny Animal Memes

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    Cloud - Dog hair Freshly swept house

    Ah, yes. This feels all way too familiar. We don't know about you guys, but we're absolute clean freaks. So you can imagine how hard it is sometimes; when you just cleaned the entire house from top to bottom and then, as soon as you're done, you notice a trail of dirty paws leading to the kitchen. Cries for help 

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    Dog - My seat looks like this So that her face can look like this

    But you know what? We'd never change it for the world. Our doggos' love, affection, and compassion is worth every single hair they leave on our clothes and around the house. It's important to remember that because sometimes we forget. 

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    Organism - emotional shorty @FrickinDelanie my three states of being > ZOOTED ZONKED ABSOLUTELY TORQUED
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    Organism - god lets me live because he is afraid of confronting me directly
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    Toy - W
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    Font - i want to be extremely clear about this: i never *don't* want pictures of your dog. it is never a bad or inappropriate time for dog pics. i will never be displeased by receiving a dog pic. at no point in my life will i ever be like "no thank u, i dont want dog pics right now"
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    Water - Me: is about to go to sleep My dog: pschlopschlopschlopschlop schlopschlopschlopschlopschlopschlop schlopschlopschlopschlopschlopschlop schlopschlopschlopschlopschlopschlop
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    Dog - Me when I see any dog
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    Photograph - C
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    Bird - Day 21, no one suspects a thing
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    Wood - We had a sudden burst of rain sagelynaive I want you guys to notice how the dog spot is almost completely 100% dry, meaning doggo did not move until the rain had stopped. I would like you to further notice that the only part of the dog spot that has any water at all is the tail portion, which would seem to indicate doggo picked up his tail at some point to wag it. Doggo had a fantastic time in this sudden burst of rain.
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    Plant - hodge-podgery: cuntravoid malformalady An old tree stump with grass growing over it, Faroe Islands are you stupid thats a unicorn oh what I have to draw this I love this unicorn
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    Dog - I searched for my dog for 20 minutes 666 100 0000
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    Motor vehicle - Exclusive! FROGS More Popular Than Church? PEOPLE WANT FROGS NOT JESUS!
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    Cat - : Anonymous 59 KB JPG 03/31/21 (Wed)17:56:24 No.63001106 >Feel like I should be doing something >Don't know what >Vague sense of uneasiness that I'm not doing it View Thread
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    Dog - My dog, listening to verse 47 of the song I've made up about them: Diamond
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    Bird - ← Tweet Owl! at the Library @Sketche... 22h in lieu of filing taxes I am requesting that a witch turn me into a mountain bluebird 263 18K trobin Retweeted Caitlin Hobbs (they/them) @caitlinthehob Replying to @SketchesbyBoze 129K oh to be a round little bird and say from time to time :
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    Photograph - um sir no you've got the whole story wrong give me the mic 015 LIVE 6:15 41 obc ALTERNATE SIDE PARKING AND PARKING METER RULES A abc7NY
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    Font - Jake Vig @Jake_Vig 26% of dog ownership is putting their ears back in the correct position. 12:22 PM 2021-08-01 Twitter for iPhone 198 Retweets 4 Quote Tweets 1,040 Likes


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