“My IT Directors emails look awfully suspicious.” Posted by u/soldollhausen.

The comment section

“Your training is complete” said u/DontDoDrugs316.
“Task failed successfully” said u/New-Consideration420.

“When introverted nerds are forced to do group activities by an extrovert” said u/nsa_reddit_monitor.
“I feel this in my bones. There's nothing tastier than a silent strike back.” said u/ivoryclimbs.
“Phishing is still the #1 way IT is compromised because end users are idiots. Facts.” said u/frododouchebaggins69.

“Definitely saw it on scammer payback YouTube videos. They try ALL the 'other guy is a scammer's tricks.” said u/EvenOutlandishness88.
“You can spoof emails so a phishing email will appear as any email they want.” said u/brycehazen.

“Uno Reverse Card” said u/Fenrirs_Phantom.
“Uno +4 Card. 2 hour seminar turns into 4 hour HR meeting.” said u/Dongwaffler.

“It's like overtraining AI so that it learns to identify training datasets, not the parameters you actually want.” said u/LikesBreakfast.
Read the original thread here.