"Don't mess with mama!': Bunny mom promises to bombard vet office with calls every day after rude receptionist refuses to refill her sweet baby's medication


Hot take: sometimes you have to borderline Karen territory when there are actual rude injustices going down. Sorry not sorry. Don't yell at someone just trying to do their job because you didn't get your way. That's TOO Karen. But when there is some administrative mistakes that create an easily fixed problem, but someone on the other end is refusing to do something that would make everything 100% easier, then you can start to get a little demanding, maybe even ask for the manager… 

Gabi Guglielmetti vented on her social media recently how she called to get her bunny's arthritis pain medication and the receptionist was extremely rude and denied her a refill. The receptionist said she couldn't get a refill until she brought the bunny in for a yearly wellness checkup. Gabi understood all of that, she was just upset that the receptionist was saying they sent her a reminder to book the appointment, when they very much did not AND she was going to allow her poor innocent bunny to stay in pain until the appointment, which was half a month away. 

Obviously, Gabi isn't a full-blooded Karen, so she didn't put down the receptionist or made her regret her profession, but you best believe she put up a little bit of a fight for her fuzzy baby. I guess technically the only true Karen thing she did was attempt to talk to someone higher up, but she ended up giving in. However, she vowed to call every single day until she was able to get that prescription for her sweet bunny.  

Viewers debate whether or not it was the receptionist being rude or if it was Gabi. Many people who work in vet offices have seen the video and comment that they can't stand a patient like Gabi. However, many pet owners also come to her side, saying she was being completely reasonable asking for a small portion of the refill until the appointment. 

Whether you agree with Gabi's borderline Karen ways or not, it only took until the next day for her to get her baby what she needed. Luckily, she called and it was a different receptionist who said the same thing at first, but was a lot more understanding. She told Gabi she would ask the vet what they should do and she came back with the solution Gabi had suggested from the start—a refill to hold the rabbit over until the appointment. The bunny mama was so elated and happy, she started apologizing for how she had acted before, she was just so afraid of her sweet baby having to suffer in pain for several weeks. 




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