Somehow the paycheck rolls around and just keeps rolling.
Before you know it, your bank account is on a negative number and you're left wondering what the hell happened.
One look in the mirror with that sheepish grin, and you know what happened - you happened.
Whether you're spending it on important grown-up things or happen to see a 50% sale on that website you've been eyeing recently, the digits add up and you moan and groan at the next happy hour to your friends, who moan and groan right back.
It's comforting to know that so many of us are in the same boat.
Anyway, you only live once right?
There should be a broke club where we all gather and offer sacrifices to the many gods in hopes that they favor us and send a Christmas bonus in early.
Or we could just cryopreserve our bodies and hope those crazy ass scientists wake us up when the economy has gotten better.
But then, you'd need about 150 thousand dollars, so maybe that isn't much of an option!
Enjoy the memes we've put together as we've procrastinated while doing our actual job.
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