From the samples at the grocery store to winning a giveaway, it's hard not to love a freebie. The feeling is only sweeter when you get the goods thanks to your natural charm, because it feels like you earned it. They weren't lying when they said that the best things in life are free, but many would agree that there is a limit to how far we should go to get these kinds of gifts.
However, not everybody feels the same way. For somebody like @merlene.d, the graft is an essential part of getting things paid for. The lengths she will go for a free meal came under scrutiny recently, after she posted a TikTok showing her staring down a man in the restaurant she was in as an attempt to get him to pay for her meal. Many viewers were far from impressed with her insistent approach, claiming it was far too much effort. Sometimes it feels better just to pay your own way.