Were people born without manners, or is some of their stupidity due to a series of unfortunate events (Lemony Snicket, what up?) that took place long after and ended up creating entitled little monsters that for lack of a better word, suck? How do their brains work? What pills are they on? Whether it's a company or simply another shitty human on this godforsaken planet, there always seems to be some kind of inconvenience that frankly, could be easily avoided. Maybe some people are out there to get you. These pics that we found on the infamous subreddit 'mildlyinteresting' (Reddit, we hate to love you) make us want to rip out more than a few hairs. Sure, some pics are true to the name - mildly infuriating indeed - and some are just downright maddening. Perhaps NASA will find us another planet to live on, and if so, we hope that none of these types of people will join us there. Call us dictators, but they are not welcome on our watch! Scroll down for a bitterly annoying ride.
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