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Manifesting traits and performing actions that squarely fall within a "Chaotic Evil" alignment is not a great business strategy. You're going to open yourself up to all kinds of legal and moral pitfalls that could result in your business being "canceled" or forced to close by authorities. Surprisingly, all too many owners think they're the "big bad" of a Dnd campaign and have become accustomed to feeling immune to consequences within their spheres of influence. Well, the party comes for you eventually, and if you F around with your workers for long enough, you're going to find out.
After being suspended for "negligence" for sustaining an on-the-job injury, this worker, Reddit user u/Top_Professional_69, had tolerated enough. They reported their boss to every relevant authority they could possibly think of and brought the fact that they had been illegally manufacturing products into the light. Of course, this supervillain of a boss had also forgotten the most important rule of breaking rules — don't break multiple rules at once, or you run the risk of getting caught for the more serious offense because of the more mundane.
Keep browsing for the screenshots. For more nuclear revenge, check out this manager whosold the company's stock to workers at 90% offto get back at a lying CEO.
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