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Cat Has the Wildest Ride of His Life Riding a Rollercoaster Mimed by His Parents Using a Container, a TV, and Perfect Angles


Remember that craze a bit ago where parents were putting their kids in a laundry basket and then putting a rollercoaster passenger POV video on the big screen and then moving them around in the basket as if they were actually riding the coaster? The kids would have a blast, throwing up their hands, screaming and everything. Well, a couple of cat parents decided that was a good idea to try on their cat


They put their tiny brown feline in a little bin and put the video of riding a rollercoaster on. They held the cat in the bin up close to the screen and started slowly moving it like the ride does in real life as it clicks up its first big hill. The cat seemed very intrigued, keeping his eyes on the screen—only once turning away to look at his parents as if to say, ‘"what is this??" Before he started to descend, it even looks like the cat is bracing himself for the fall. 

The adorable cat seems like he's having a good time but also like he has absolutely zero idea what is going on. He looks back and forth from the screen like, “wait, am I going a gazillion miles down these random tracks or am I just chilling inside my house like I usually do??” It's as if he keeps getting magically transported instantly between the ride and his cozy home. 

Eventually he decides he's had enough and he hops out, but it was all good fun the entire time. Viewers are freaking out in the comments because before they see the man's hands holding the bin about halfway through the video, they think it's a cat on a real roller coaster ride. 

“I was thinking, ‘where the heck is this that allows cats on roller coasters?!' Then I started panicking because no one was holding onto the cat and I thought it was about to get thrown off the ride!” one person commented. Another person posted, “all the comments about almost thinking it was an actual roller coaster...SO glad it wasn't just me!!!" One person even said, "Omg  I was ready to call animal service!” 

Luckily, it is not an actual cat on a rollercoaster—I'm pretty sure that is not allowed… I'm not lawmaker, but I'm pretty sure that would be considered animal abuse? But what do I know? All I can say, please don't be influenced to take your cat on a real life rollercoaster after seeing this video. I assure you, this cat is NOT on an actual coaster. Now, if you wanted to put your cat in their favorite box and then see how they react to riding that box along to a video of riding a rollercoaster, the internet hopes you post the video for everyone to see. 


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