'Don't make me assume my ultimate form': Unhinged Karen breaks drive-thru window and fights worker because she can't get Chicken McNuggets


I must confess. I watched this video thrice because I was in complete awe of what was happening. From the hissing to the wild insults to the speed with which she broke that window and drove away…I can't tell if this woman deserves to go to jail or to win an Academy Award.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/facepalm subreddit by u/LewiRock.

Here's a Breakdown of What Happened

It was 10:30 am at your average local McDonald's drive-thru when this skinny but mighty Karen drove up demanding Chicken McNuggets. When the employee stated that unfortunately, they do not serve Chicken McNuggets in the morning, things escalated pretty quickly.

First, the woman hissed at him. Well, it was more than a hiss. It was a growl. It was the summoning of the monster that lies within. Next thing you know, she got out of the car and started yelling insane profanity-laced insults at the workers ("Don't make me assume my ultimate form!" is a highlight for sure).

Now, she's trying to literally fight anyone and everyone and almost climbs into the drive-thru window. I mean, you just can't make this up.

Not only is this woman completely unhinged, but she's also clearly on several substances during this moment. Once she fails to open the window, you think she's done. But as we know from several other sources, Karens are never done. Just as the manager is talking about calling the police, Karen breaks the window open before driving away at Forrest Gump speed.


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For more stories like this, check out this Karen who took up two seats on a train. Click here to watch the full video.


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