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There will always be employers out there who think that they can step on the little guy's toes while dipping their hand into their wallet in order to turn a profit. In reality, if you can't manage to make a business profitable in an honest way, it's probably a good sign that you shouldn't be in business at all.
This college guy worked for a delivery company that insisted on taking a percentage of driver's tips under the guise of covering operating costs. This happened even if the employees then ended up making under the minimum wage for all of their time worked; the employees would be taken into the office and made to sign a form saying that the tips they received had pushed them over minimum wage before they would be allowed to collect their check.
This went on for some time, and the college guy managed to inform all kinds of drivers that came through the doors as to what was going on. When it came time to pull the plug, the college guy got everyone involved so that they could get to setting the matter straight...
Keep reading for this glorious tale of revenge, as posted by Redditor u/ethanralphisfat. For more, check out these new owners who laid off all their staff only to have no one reapply.
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