If there's one thing we're absolutely 100% sure of it's that cats are weird. Think about it, their ancestors are massive tigers and lions, yet personality wise - they're absolutely the same. They have no concept of physics whatsoever or reality for that matter, and can pretty much defy any law of gravity. You never know with them - are they solid, liquid, or gas? They can pretty much appear anywhere and everywhere and you won't even hear one sound. Wait a minute… did we just crack the code? Are cats aliens? or superheroes?
We guess we'll never really know the truth but all we do know is that their weirdness is what makes our world go round, so we really wouldn't have it any other way. With that being said, we hope you enjoy this hilarious collection of 26 cats being their absolutely wonderfully weird selves. Happy scrolling and don't forget to give your cat a little kiss on the forehead from us!
Sometimes cats will just stand on their two back feetsies and look at you as if you owe them a million dollars. Like, um, hello?? You're not even the owner of this house, where does all this audacity come from? Can you share?
If there's one thing for sure it's that cats love to sleep in all sorts of funky positions and places. Unlike us mortals, they don't go for the coziest and comfiest bed in sight, instead, they go for tiny boxes and uncomfortable surfaces.
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