We're always told that there is a certain formula that will lead us to success, as preached by those who are successful. Its tenets are usually quite predictable: get up before 6am, throw in a run or some yoga somewhere, and spend the rest of your time focusing on your grindset. Rich parents help, too, but that doesn't get mentioned so often.
It's become an eye-roll worthy, LinkedIn-style cliché to see businesspeople bragging about how they supposedly spend their days, but it doesn't stop people from doing it. The latest in a long line of people to get roasted for their need to show off their insane lifestyle is @LeilaHormozi, who shared to Twitter her schedule for running a '$200M portfolio of businesses' at the age of 30. It wasn't long before users started to reply with their own hectic calendars, although not all were quite as profitable. Some of them look more fun, though.