Cat-astrophic Pair of Naughty Kitties Demolish a Christmas Tree Only 12 Hours After It's Decorated


With December barely started and Thanksgiving turkey still in our refrigerators, society is barely starting to transition into Christmas mode. Mariah Carrey is just barely dethawing and the malls are decorated to the 9's, but some of us just aren't ready for that holiday cheer yet. Two environmentally unfriendly cats in particular, Yukiko and Floki, decided to tell their owner that they disapproved of some early decorations in the only way that cats know how— destruction. 

One excited owner, Stephanie a tell-all vlog-like social media user, started decorating WAY before the Christmas season was upon us and her cats (and her followers) completely rejected it. We admire her excitement and wish we could reciprocate, however, it's just too early sis. Your cats were right. Stephanie was so excited for her favorite holiday season that she completely skipped over two holidays: Halloween and Thanksgiving. Giiiiiirl, we get it, you love the holidays, but decorating for Christmas in October ? 

Despite the flack she caught from her followers for setting up her tree in October, Stephanie perservered and decided that she didn't care what the Internet thought and sought to build a decorated Christmas tree that was so cat repellant and so invincible that it would survive for months to come. Even though the longevity of a Christmas tree usually lasts only a month or so (even without cats), Stephanie was determined prove everyone wrong. As you can imagine, that flopped because the aforementioned menaces, Floki and Yukiko. 

These two cats, within 24hours of the tree being reassembled to it's finest glory, destroyed the boughs of green and pine without a flick of the tail. It's as if they knew all of the breakable ornaments were situated at the top of the tree, so of course, they tried to reach them by leaping to the top. Without fail the tree lost its balance, fell over, flomped glass all over the floor, and got bombarded by tiny kitty bites. Now that the branches were at cat-level, they stood no chance. 

Cowering in the corner, they knew what they did. They know the damage they caused. They would definitely do it agin. Poor Stephanie awoke to the devastation and ornament cluttered living room floor, with her dreams of an early Christmas crushed by her own two trusted kitties. Maybe next year, Stephanie will think twice before decorating for Christmas before we've had our turkey and eaten it too.


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