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Cats Showing Their Humans How Much They Love Them: The Sweetest And Most Wholesome Moments

  • 1

    "My cat Sophie..."


    "My cat Sophie sleeps with me every night. She always starts up by my head and purrs to me until I fall asleep, then snuggles next to my stomach. If I wake up in the middle of the night she comes up and purrs me to sleep again."

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  • 2

    "I had covid..."


    "I had covid two weeks ago and one of my cats was by side 95% of the time. My other cat would just come and check up on me making sure I was still alive. Picture is of my kitten who stayed by my side"

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    "The way Winslow snuggles and looks adoringly at his dad..."

  • 4

    "Peewee is a major cuddle bug."

    Nose - AR
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    "This little girl never sat on me. Then all of a sudden she started to. Found out I was pregnant a couple weeks later. Currently over 17 weeks now and she always sits on me when I sit down"

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    "My little Stevie Nyx sleeps above me on my pillows. One night I was in a lot of pain and she rested her head on mine until my pain was gone. I dont have a pic of that but I have one of her."

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    "Cuddling with me under the covers. She's always there when I'm sad. Hunter loves her mum, even if it is mostly for warmth and treats. Spoily kitty"

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  • 8

    "My Bonnie wraps her paw around my finger and pulls it closer to her. She's very cuddly and we almost never go a day without snuggles"

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    "My Zeke head bops me all the time, he always wants pets, and he loves to sleep on me. He's healed my heart from losing a previous fur baby."

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    "After my emergency surgery she stayed like this most of the day when I got home."

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    "She's slept by my side each night for the last 6 weeks, while her other human was in the hospital. It's been terribly stressful and I'm convinced she knows I need the comfort"

    Cat - 6 Dec 2022, 20:33
  • 12

    "Cuddling me..."


    "Cuddling me (that's my arm and shoulder!), pretty much at every opportunity. When I come home from work, or a long day out, he is the happiest boy to see me. It's all cuddles. And at bedtime too. He's one of the most dependent, affectionate, needy cats I've ever had."

  • 13

    "While I was recovering..."


    "While I was recovering from having my neck fused. Freya would gently lay across my neck and purr. Almost like she was protecting my neck. At night if I moaned in pain she would come over and gently biscuit the back of my neck as if she was massaging me. That was 3 years ago, and to this day she still protects my neck."

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  • 14

    "A couple of years ago..."


    "A couple of years ago I twisted my ankle digging a car out of the snow, then making it worse by digging out a semi. Fell through the snow while digging them out. It was deep.

    When I came in I sat down and put my ankle up. My cat watched and could see I was in pain so he jumped on the chair and laid across my ankle. It hurt at first but after awhile of him purring on my ankle the pain vanished.

    My boy healed my ankle because he loves me."

  • 15

    "He became a housecat for us..."


    "He became a housecat for us. He was previously an indoor/outdoor cat where we rented. The owner passed away suddenly and his daughter rented to us. When she decided she wanted the house back, we were heartbroken that the cat would stay with his home, but we wanted him to be happy. Apparently, staying was not his idea of happy. The landlord called us to come and get him because he was not a good fit for her. He seems perfectly content at our new house as an indoor-only cat. He took to a litter box well. He loves sitting in the windows to watch the birds and squirrels. He gives us tons of purrs and snuggles. So glad we're part of his happiness."


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