"Lorelei. Destroyer of plants. She doesn't eat them, she just likes to uproot them and lay them neatly by the pot so that it dies slowly. My poor poor aloe Vera plant didn't stand a chance after I repotted it 5011 times."
"No leftovers for us."
"Pirpana the cat had to test our baby's brand new safety seat which was barely unpacked... And spread her fur in it!"
She's just testing it out, making sure it's safe for the baby
"I told Edgar to stay off the clean, folded laundry..."
"I just put up new blinds."
"Sascha, 19lb10oz. He nips when he's tired of pettings; no warning, just NOM! Last one left a big bruise on my arm."
"Stealing the dog bed and refusing to relinquish upon request."
"Boobers the Cat cares not for the alarm in the morning. He gets us up EARLY for sure."
"I was relaxing in the living room admiring our "perfect Christmas tree". He decided to lose his mind and run around like a wack-a-doodle and yes…. Knocked over the Christmas tree sending ornaments and candy canes everywhere…. The Christmas tree is a little less than perfect now"
"Koda- enjoys sleeping all day and spending all night opening cabinets and drawers through the house, pulling items out and trying his best to wake up the humans."
"Tom Servo knocked our Xmas tree over last night"
"Dairy thieving overlord of my house. And yes, yes that is indeed yoghurt on her nose."
"Loki just head butted my broken foot because I wasn't playing with her"
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