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Firstly, a quick shoutout to Darwin's brilliant theory of evolution… the flaws in how humans have evolved are no secret to any of us. Just enter the nearest Mcdonald's — I dare say 15 minutes won't go by without some kind of incident occurring, most likely involving an entitled person who takes their 3-dollar burger very seriously. Evidently, some humans have not quite evolved as we'd have hoped, and are clearly deficient in brain cells.
Particularly those linked with public decency. We all know a couple of these people ourselves, although we really wish we didn't. Whether it be that one overly loud person on the bus with their phone on speaker, complaining to their bestie about an insufferable coworker of theirs (Karen), completely missing the irony of the situation. Or the impatient idiot who cuts in line at the grocery store because 'he's tired of waiting' (lol, y'dont say?!). And let's not forget about that one neighbor who is apparently capable of playing the drums only in the early hours of the morning, oblivious to the social norms of sleep.
While scrolling through r/AITA, I stumbled across a post written (surprise) by a very entitled dude who lives in a nice little bubble. You can check it out down below. A few people were less than happy with his behavior. Feel free to click here for a tale of delicious malicious compliance.
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