I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Story About An Adorable Cat Who Brings A Leaf To A Shop Owner Every Day In Exchange For Fish Goes Viral (Twitter Thread)

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    Font - Justice @UnionRebelMs Seeing people come to buy fish and handing the owner, money, this cat went out and got a leaf to pay for her fish. On the first day, the owner of the shop thought this was very cute, so he gave her a small fish. Now everyday this cat comes in to buy a fish with a leaf. 5:01 AM - Jan 5, 2023 1.9M Views 6,611 Retweets 777 Quote Tweet 47.8K Likes
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    No, but this picture is adorable on so many levels. From the leaf held so triumphantly in its teeth to the ears doing the classic, incredible, totally mind-blowing airplane position… no wonder this image went viral. Heck, we would retweet without thinking twice about it.

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    Font - Heartbob @BobHarv25967401 ... Replying to @UnionRebelMs I had a cat decades ago who loved potato chips. She would trade for them. I came back from a day's hunting with some squirrels (no, I no longer hunt). She saw them, took off into the woods and was back within minutes with a freshly killed squirrel, which she then sold me. 4:13 PM - Jan 6, 2023

    Sadly, as much as we wanted to believe - and trust us, we did - it seems that this story is indeed not real. But that doesn't mean that every other story in this thread isn't either. Cats are still some of the coolest, smartest, most cunning animals out there. They outsmart us every day, and we love it. 

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    Font - A Song of Brown and Orange @SerPouncelll ... Replying to @UnionRebelMs and @BalerionTheCat Downstairs neighbors once was having a barbecue. Everybody picked out some meat and lined up to have it put on the grill. Their cat saw that, caught a rat and got in line to have it grilled. 5:26 PM - Jan 6, 2023
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    Font - melkinross @melkinross1 Replying to @UnionRebelMs Having seen my family give me presents on my 10th birthday my cat went out and returned half an hour later with a dead squirrel which he laid at my feet 3:41 PM - Jan 6, 2023
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    Cat - Ann Leeuwerke @annelee45 Replying to @UnionRebelMs My cat brings me leaves, one at a time and arranges them. 5:59 PM - Jan 6, 2023 53K Views 68 Retweets 2 Quote Tweets 1,721 Likes
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    Dog - Michele A @MArtascos Replying to @UnionRebelMs My shitzu trades me a leaf for a treat every morning! LI
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    Font - The last centurion @Thelastcenturi5 Replying to @UnionRebelMs and @fleurkenloathe It's a great story. I'm buying it because there's too much reality in my life. 5:05 PM - Jan 6, 2023
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    Font - Brian H+egg+knee @HeagneyBrian Replying to @UnionRebelMs I don't even care if this is a lie I will believe it. 3:08 AM - Jan 6, 2023
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    Font - Jackie Dee @jfabby Replying to @HeagneyBrian and @UnionRebelMs I can haz fish pleeez 7:05 PM - Jan 6, 2023
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    Font - The Random Gourmet @CermakTerry Replying to @UnionRebelMs Great story! I hope it's true... 8:39 PM - Jan 5, 2023
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    Font - Kat @TruBluMarin Replying to @UnionRebelMs and @happydaze222 I sure hope this is true because it's the best story I've read all day! 7:18 PM - Jan 5, 2023


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