Uno the Blind Squirrel Gets Rescued, Becoming the Most Adorable Handicapped Wildlife Ambassador of All Time


Squirrels are fancy street rats. They live in cities, they often rely heavily on human behavior, and they're scrappy af. Although they're significantly more handsome than a rat, squirrels are also more aggressive, territorial, and fearless than wild rats, which makes them a common pest in many places. Some of us, who are squirrel-bite survivors, can still hear their chipper chattering noises in our scariest nightmares. One squirrel however, Uno the blind rescue, is one fluffer nutter that we can all be unafraid of. 


Alexis, a wildlife protector in Pensilvania has rescued a blind squirrel from the wild, rehabilitating him in her own home for years as he's grown up. Uno, the blind boy in question, has become extremely attached to Alexis and loves to climb her, sit on her shoulders, and sleep in her hands, which is an adorably impossible fantasy that most people will never experience. Because Uno is blind, he does some silly things that other squirrels would never do. When he smells Alexis, he flings himself up her body, guessing where her arm-crooks will be and risking life and limb to be close to her face. 

He spooks himself with countertop objects that he boinks into. 

He's always moving even though he has no vision. This lil guy cannot be stopped or slowed by his handicap. In fact, as a squirrel, he's potentially more unpredictable than most. His fearlessness and his lack of visual awareness is a startling combo.  

And he loses his balance so often that he prefers to eat upside down. 

Although it's secretly every city child's dream, Alexis makes it clear to her followers that Uno is not her pet, he's a wildlife ambassador. She shares that squirrels would make terrible pets for obvious reasons, like aggression, territory issues, and disease transmission, but Uno is a special case. Technically he is an unreleasable rescue animal and not a “pet” but he requires special care that makes him seem like a good boy deep down. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck right? Either way though, Alexis, the expert on this matter, makes it clear that every child walking through the park on their way to school is NOT advised to just pick up a squirrel and take it home. No matter how much you want an Uno of your own, Alexis is one of the lucky chosen few who gets to have her very own squirrelly wildlife ambassador.

Things Uno does as a blind squirrel that I sometimes feel bad laughing at


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