'She grabbed me on my arm': New manager orders line cook to "Stay in one place and do one thing," predictable outcome occurs


As a new manager, it's always important to ensure that you have a good understanding of the business, your employees, and how their roles operate. Even if you're experienced in the industry, simple tasks can be completed in wildly different ways in different organizations; if you were actually as experienced as you thought you were, you would already know this. Yet, this same mistake is made by managers time and time again: Giving overly specific directives for some things they don't truly understand. 

That's what this manager did when she grabbed a line cook by the arm (yeah, don't do that either) and demanded that they stay in one place as they were rushing around to different stations in order complete different orders. This left their coworker to do… just about everything else. 

Keep reading for this thread; for more, check out this resort worker who was denied the use of the lobby bathroom.

via u/Used_Perception_9217


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