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'Get Ready to Crack Up': Territorial Rooster Hilariously Terrorizes Woman's 'City Boy' Boyfriend


If you know anything about roosters, you know they can be little a-holes. It's just part of who they are as an animal. They want to keep their lady chickens safe and to themselves and they will fight any animal who might threaten that—that includes a human. 

Luckily, roosters are pretty small and fragile compared to humans, so we could probably take them on. But for some reason, if you have no experience with roosters or have ever been on a farm, you might get a little spooked when the rooster starts charging towards you. If you would just stand your ground, the rooster would probably back off because they know deep down that you could kick their little feathery butts. 

This city slicker, however, did not stand his ground and because of that, this rooster chased him all over the farm. A woman brought her “city boy” boyfriend to the farm and he ran for his dear life every time that rooster got near him. All of his street smarts didn't come in handy for this clucking attack. 


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