I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

20 Funny Cat Memes To Sleepily Scroll Instead Of Trying To Get Out Of Bed In The Morning

  • 1
    Cat - There's no need to repeat yourself, human. I ignored you just fine the first time. Hedda

    That's the beauty of cats, isn't it? They teach us how to be humble. And how to be interesting. If we want to get their attention, we better be doing something to make us deserve, otherwise, this is the face that will meet us. They teach us things, that's why we're obsessed with them. 

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  • 2
    Easel - i think i wasted money on the cat tree.

    Man, this happens every single time. Just when we think that we have finally come across a cat tree that our kitty will truly appreciate - will truly use, our cats… end up choosing the box. Heck, we've accepted it at this point. We're not even upset anymore. We just take cute pics of them in said boxes. 

  • 3
    Cat - When you discover what your cat really has been up to while you're at work.
  • 4
    Cat - Cat's chin fur makes her look forever surprised
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  • 5
    Plant - This guy found the best spot in the park to rest
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    Cat - When you have a nice hat and you feel nice UT
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    Photograph - i like it when cats do this with their face idk why
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  • 8
    Cat - The mother cat is a stray and after five days of introducing herself and being fed, she brought her beautiful kitten.
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    Cat - He doesn't remember where he put his birth certificate @TOPCATTO
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    Dog - I've never seen my husky as happy as when he gets to say hi to our kitty
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  • 11
    Cat - Me: finally falls asleep My cat: @catsdoingthings
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    Cat - When you wake up and try to read text messages
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    Cat - Napping is such a gamble. You might wake up feeling refreshed, or you might wake up like
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  • 14
    Cat - When you have a great time with the present, but it was not for you ARE Y MAN LOOMIS S 18 TractoALYS
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    Cat - Free 30 day free trial Enter card details
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    Cat - My two moods I am the most powerful of all witches.
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  • 17
    Cat - Study hard hooman so you can buy me lots of tuna
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    Cat - We be cutting onions and this fool thinks he's getting treats. He's in here with his eyes watering up a storm
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    Cat - We got a new kitten, but I think our cat got a new kitten
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  • 20
    Cat - I'm pet sitting. This is my friends cat checking me out for the first time


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