Grumpy Cat Named Milo Punishes Household for Keeping Him Up Past His Bedtime


Imagine this— you've had a long day at work, you've finally gotten into your comfortable clothes, and you're cozied up and ready for bed. Everything seems to be going exactly to plan on this lovely Tuesday night, but then it happens. Your golden retriever is suddenly alight with energy, running around like crazy, barking, and zooming, while all you want is to slink into bed. Well, that's what happened one fateful evening for Milo, a snarky old tabby cat who runs a tight ship at home. 


Milo has a strict bedtime at 11PM and generally requires the rest of the house, including the juvenile golden retriever Beckham, to follow suit and be peacefully in their beds no later than 10:59. One evening, Beckham got a bad case of the crazies right before bedtime and all while their owners were laughing, Milo seethed in his socks, brimming with burning fury and a hankering to sleep like never before. 

Milo was big mad when the snarky baby golden started running all over the house, skittering across the hardwood floors and zooming in every direction. Naturally, with Milo's cantankerous attitude, Beckham's crazy fire was lit even hotter, making him even more insane. 

The furious kitty just wanted to sleep and instead he was being badgered by a wild-haired doggo with slippery feet and an obsession with mockery— a deadly combo. Finally, Milo became fed up with the peaceful approach to calming down the golden fur-blizard, and he was ready to bring out the big guns. Fueled with fatigue and the saltiest of attitudes, Milo started smacking some sense into Beckham. 

This cat is just trying to get to bed, so finally he gave up on trying to woo Beckham up to his room with force. Instead he waited patiently on the stairs, hoping that Beckham would follow suit in a timely and calm manner. Like any patient single mother of a high-energy toddler, Milo's grace paid off. 

Milo turned and sauntered up the stairs in silence once he got Beckham's attention. Of course, the loopy golden retriever followed suit and clumsily hopped up behind him.

The grouchy but patient kitty waited in the room for Beckham to lay down in his bed before climbing up onto his very own mattress. Finally sleep was close at last. The goldie chilled out a bit once he was laying in the room; it turns out this puppy was ready for slumber after all. 

Sweet dreams Milo… You earned it.



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