Brave Man Types 'Joel Osteen Surrounded By Fire' into an Art Bot and the Results are Nightmare Inducing


One brave Internet user, who either hates Joel or is an enormous troll, got his hands on an art bot and did the unthinkable. An art bot is an AI designed to create images based on whatever you type into it. The art bot pulls images that it has identified to match your input and creates a sort of kaleidoscope collage of whatever the AI thinks you're trying to create. Sort of like when you hit randomize on Google, but way more… thoughtful. He typed the words "Joel Osteen surrounded by fire ” and the results are truly terrifying. It doesn't matter what you actually think of Joel, but these pictures are downright horrifying and nightmare inducing.


The fact that the art bot pretty much nails the classic dark blue Joel Osteen suit with brown shoe combo in nearly every rendering is pretty spooky. Not to mention, the hands in each picture become more and more deranged. Something about each photo is haunting in its own ‘Heaven vs Hell’ way, which is certainly not something worth diving into. Mega churches in general are pretty sketchy in terms of morality and in the humble opinion of some non-capitalists, however, it IS America, so everything is a business. Anything that can make money, will absolutely 1000% be exploited to do so. It's the American way. 

Oh and the last photo is quite possibly the most horrifying and ironic of them all because it's a picture of Joel on a platform, blue suit and brown shoes, preaching to a congregation of distorted clones of himself who are all poking out of a mysterious cloud. Oh and they're surrounded by fire of course. 

This is obviously not the Joel Osteen of our universe, but it certainly is haunting to see images of it anyways. Mostly, for me, it's the tiny deformed hands that are the things that linger in my nightmares. Why couldn't rendering-Joel just have regular hands?!


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