Inspired by the "injury boards" from the floors of dangerous work environments like factories, etc. a candle store in Washington state has created a brilliant "Karen board" that seriously ever retail shop should own. In factories they would be counting down days from their last injury, but for this shop, it is counting down the last entitled rude Karen encounter they have had.
Their most recent was a Karen who pulled the infamous last Karen line, "well you just lost a sale." In this store, you are required to pick your own unique label for your candle, and then they label your candle for you and you check out. It's a fun process, but a process nonetheless. So, the employees try their best to let new customers know the deal. However, sometimes a Karen walks in, is a huge… jerk, and thinks they run the place.
This last encounter had the Karen customer very rudely ignoring the employees plea to allow them to show her the store's shopping process and would even cut them off. When she got up to the counter and acted appalled that "nobody" told her what to do and it "would've been nice" if someone had helped her, (LOL) she stormed off without making a sale and the board went from 10 strong days with no Karen, back to 0.
They say that was by no means their worst Karen customer, but it's sad that they didn't even make it a full two weeks.
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