Animal Comedy Newsletter

Un-bear-ably Cute And Highly Dangerous: 17 Bears That Are Incredibly Awesome And Cool, But Best Seen At A Distance

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    This incredibly derpy bear happens to be an apex predator, even though you probably might not think that by its expression. This big guy uses that ridiculously long tongue to scrape honey out of beehives and can use its claws for foraging and climbing trees. Don't climb trees to escape bears, m'kay.

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    Cuddle time!

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    Photograph - Dana Schwartz @DanaSchwartzzz Every picture of a sun bear looks like it's a human in a bear costume who's doing a very bad job acting natural ? 20
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    And here we have a rare picture of a bear shaman anointing a disciple with a majestic holy boop of adorableness, said to be capable of protecting one from all the bad vibes that can be found on the wonderful world wide web.

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    Bear-istential crisis

    Polar bear
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    Organism - Rain on your window when your trying to sleep U/veetboi6-9
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    Passes the bear inspection with flying colors

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    Vertebrate - me showing my mom a funny meme my mom:
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    Water - Black Bear Straight profile Short dark claws Front toes form an obvious arc Prominent ears No shoulder hump Grizzly Bear Front toes in straighter line Smaller round ears Dished Profile Hump between shoulders Long light claws
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    Organism - Bears B
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    Vertebrate - Whats up with Bears not being fully clothed? 25 VE ( SMOKEY
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    Head - when you don't know how to dance but are really VIBIN and don't care about what others think:
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    Whatchu lookin at

    Car - 061 GAL
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    Plant - there's a pillow pet outside


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