Over the past three months, I've gotten a lot more into cooking and eating food. I decided I needed to step up my act and start cooking like an adult. So far, I've gotten slightly better at nourishing my human body than I used to be. Instead of raw dogging lunch every day, I'm bringing my lunch to work. Instead of only making pasta on the stove, now I'm cooking frozen turkey burgers! I even made an autumnal soup for my friends! My cooking can only go up from here.
Even though I'm improving, I don't see a future where I'm making homemade sweet potato and carrot soup on the regular. I've got things to do and places to be. Some people eat to live, and others live to eat. I am a part of the former group, but I admire the sheer lust for life that comes with being a foodie. If you, like me, are a foodie for trash foods, these memes will surely resound.