We've just finished exams, and we already can't catch a break. With essays and reports galore, who has time to be… anything, honestly? I'm so exhausted from the stress, it's unreal. These student loans are not helping with motivation, people. Why does college have to cost an arm and a leg? Who made these stupid rules? I feel like a clown when I squint at the numbers in my bank account.
Yet somehow here I am, surviving. I think I can speak on behalf of most uni/college students when I say, 'WE ARE TIRED. WE ARE BORED. AND WE WANT MEMES'. Well, with the memes I can help. Scroll down for a relatable assortment that made me laugh, then cry, then laugh again. I'm certain you'll enjoy them.
If you are still in need of extra serotonin, fear not, for I have even more memes for you! Granted, they are not about Uni, BUT they are about classical art, which is just as good. Check 'em out here.