Anyone who's ever had to suffer through a job that they hated knows what it's like to fantasize about quitting. While some merely rehearse the scenario over and over again in their minds just to get through the day, others manifest those dreams into reality, giving their terrible boss the ultimate "F you" on the way out. Someone recently asked the people of r/AskReddit to share their final "f*** you"s to bosses they always despised, and the answers did not disappoint.
"rofl... 'Here is your written warning' Here is YOUR written warning. Except it's not a warning, it's a fuck you. I quit" said u/Black_Moons.
"Well let's not get crazy now!" replied u/Im-a-cat-in-a-box.
"That shit always pissed me off. I had a manager basically the same way. I was doing the work of 3+ people. I constantly said we needed relief. Juniors even to take the easier loads off or something. Nothing. Then I found I was being paid less than new hires with no experience after multiple years of this shit. So, one day - I got an offer for almost double my salary. Basically going from $65k to $130k. 'We can't match that' So I left and chaos unfolded…" said u/red_dawn.
"I worked a register job at a bulk store for a while, and they had the same issue with me. I hated giving that dumb little spiel to each person in line. It felt scummy to me, and I didn't like that I felt like I was forcing something onto the customer that they didn't want. I even got yelled at by customers for it a couple times." said u/Zahille7.
"Same. We were all fired enmasse, I knew it was coming so I formed my LLC. I had my work lined up, called every other person who was let go and offered to find them work. Old boss called me up and threatened to sue me for going after their ex employees!!! Fuck you Darren! Best thing ever." said u/imnotbobvilla.