
Twitter Users Expose Mike Myers as an Absolute Nightmare to Work With

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    Font - Tyler Boyco @tylerboyco 2d I worked with MC who was the PC on Love Guru. She told us HORROR STORIES about him. 3 41 Jay Brody @theJaybrody. 2d When we were hired they basically told us he would have us fired regardless in under a week and not to worry because it wouldn't impact our ability to work on other projects around town. It didn't. 10 7,402 ₁271K ↑ 4 3,688 ₁272K ↑ 102 CP @Cousin Pete.1d People always wonder why there weren't more Austin powers movies but never realize how many stor
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    World - Cavan Campbell @CCamOperator . 2d Oh man, what dept were you in? The rigging best boy literally started his morning safety meetings with a warning to just walk quietly away if you ever so much as saw Myers within 200' of you. 44 4 2,310 ₁272K ↑ Jay Brody @theJaybrody.2d I was just locations security, unfortunately assigned to his trailer... lol. We were downtown so I was just supposed to silently stand by it for 12 hours and make sure that only Mike or his assistant went in. Hard to do t
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    World - 1465 Shane @famefriendspod 1d I was an extra in Love Guru and remember being told that we can't make eye contact with Mike. When I tell people this, they don't believe me. Thanks for confirming. But Alba was a dream! 11 1 59 3,849 ₁ 180K Jay Brody @theJaybrody. 1d show your friends the other replies in this thread if they don't believe you. Im blown away by how many stories are coming out from... 3 179 1,594 il₁ 149K ↑ ...
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    Organism - Brennan Leffler @brennanleffler He probably didn't want anyone looking at him because he was embarrassed he was doing "The Love Guru". 11:51 PM. 3/27/23 · 32.3K Views 1 Retweet 256 Likes
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    Organism - DeathGoldbloom @subcutaneousnpc My ex told that Tom Cruise got her fired for calling him Mr Cruise instead of Mr Hunt 1:00 PM 3/27/23 · 13.7K Views 5 Retweets 1 Quote 107 Likes
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    Font - Addison Wylie @AddisonWylie Ironically, no one made eye contact with THE LOVE GURU during its theatrical run. 9:34 PM 3/27/23 · 16.1K Views ● 4 Retweets 424 Likes
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    Font - galaxytina @Galaxytina I was an extra for a little while, and Jay is not kidding. The only actors I ever actually interacted with were Mark Harmon and Jamie Lee Curtis when I was a featured extra in a scene with them on NCIS. They actually wanted to meet me before we shot the scene. Very nice people. 11:09 PM. 3/27/23 · 18.7K Views 198 Likes
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    Gesture - The Tweet Father @thetweet_Father This tweet is the most attention that movie has ever gotten 8:53 PM 3/27/23 - 8,510 Views ● 173 Likes ...
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    Font - Probably Alison @dinosaurlamps Man, I ran into him at a Borders in 2003 and he was incredibly sweet, if not a little shy. Maybe he was insecure about the horrible movie he was about to crap out 8:14 PM -3/27/23 6,575 Views 1 Retweet 9 Likes
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    Organism - Trevor Heins @trevorheins I played young Mike Myers in the Love Guru when I was 13. While I didn't get fired for making eye contact, he wouldn't take a picture with me or anything. I guess knowing others stories I was pressing my luck and came out fairly unscathed 1:01 AM 3/28/23 - 6,423 Views ● ●●● 1 Retweet 90 Likes
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    Font - Vance Krelmore @KelTjorson To be fair, Love Guru must have been an incredibly tense and unpleasant shoot for everyone once they realized what they were making. 4:50 PM 3/27/23 · 3,675 Views 37 Likes ●
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    World - THE Head of the Cr Cornelian Squeen @Yojimbo2049 Your fault for breaking his concentration. Clearly he needed it to get into such a deep role 8:05 PM 3/27/23 9,582 Views 20 Likes ●
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    Font - ScottieSpliffen @DevilSpliffin I met him while working at an Urban Outfitters in NY when I was 18 (about 15yrs back). I quoted So I Think I Married an Axe Murderer and he was quite down to earth and appreciative of the nod to his older work. This sounds like the complete opposite of my experience & that sucks 6:58 AM -3/28/23 1,074 Views 3 Likes


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