What is the One Weird Thing That Only Your Cat Does? Cheezburger Users Respond with Genuinely Hissterical Comments

  • 01

    Lucifina stares at the corner every night...there's absolutely nothing there, but she'll stare for about 15 minutes.

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  • 02

    Drools when she is happy

  • 03

    She helps with the laundry, too.

    Cat - D. ST OLD WARM WARM ies AUTO TEMP CONTRO WARM COLD Heavy Duty COLD COLD . RINSE 1 HANDRASH CASUAL EXTRA LOW SLOW Super Capacity Plus Quiet Pak 3 Speed Motor With 4 Speed Combinations Ultra Rinse System Kenmore TYPE pare 22:0 PREWASH 4 SOAK 20 OF SPIN RNSE PUSH & TURN TO SET PULL TO START PUSH TO STOP
  • 04

    He LOUDLY brings a toy to wherever I am in the evening/bedtime. Sometimes up to 3 times! He carries it in his mouth while sounding like a meow alarm.

    Cat - 이
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  • 05

    Racing Stripe was taken from her mom to soon. She started to nurse on my neck as a kitten and still does it 3+ years later.

  • 06

    She eats lasagna like Garfield!

  • 07

    Rufus plays with tennis balls. It's his favorite toy.

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  • 08

    Peabody loves my shorts!

  • 09

    Begs me for cooked carrots!!!

    Eye - CEL
  • 10
    Font - Minion Wellington Watches hockey games with me and jumps on me when our team scores a goal! Like Reply Hide 18h 17
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  • 11
    Font - Carolyn Wiessner Upton Climbs into my pants and curls up in them when I'm on the toilet. Like, obsessively. Reply Like Hide 18h 15
  • 12
    Font - Shawn Obchansky Kneeds blankets with all four paws at once. Or Kicks herself in the face to get herself excited to play. Like Reply Hide 18h 21
  • 13
    Font - Mary Lee Jones When she wants tinned food, usually between 12:30am - 2am, Trixie will sit on my chest for a few minutes and meow if that doesn't wake me she'll prod my chin with a claw. I sometimes wake with very fine scratches.
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  • 14
    Font - Missy Vodenichar My Peaches balances all 4 feet on the rim of the litter box when he poops. Like Reply Hide 18h 10
  • 15

    Theo thinks the puppy is his, he chases her, baths her and will always carry mouthfuls of treats to her. ?? he’s loved her since day 1

  • 16
    Smile - Beth Martinez Bites our toes when he wants us to do something.
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  • 17
    Font - Cheryl Lynn Jones Likes to watch trains. #virtualrailfan Like Reply Hide 18h 2
  • 18
    Font - Akai Usagi Hangs out on my back while I'm cleaning the litter box, supervising Like Reply Hide 18h 2
  • 19
    Font - Judy Hawkins LeBoeuf Gentry loves to eat strawberry tops.
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  • 20

    My Abby (may she rest in peace) used to sit up on her hind legs and shake/roll her head around like Stevie Wonder whenever she was super happy about something or wanting to play.

  • 21
    Mammal - Matthew Butterworth Loves Pineapples !!
  • 22

    Bathes our golden retriever

    Felidae - Cul
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  • 23

    Every time I try to file my nails. Every. Time!

  • 24
    Font - Tawnya Richards Probably not just mine but when he makes biscuits, one of his back feet gets in on the action. Three-legged biscuit maker! It's hilarious Like Reply Hide 18h >< DO 8
  • 25

    Queso the straw hunter.

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  • 26

    My Oliver plays hide and seek every morning before I leave for work. He thinks he is being very sneaky. When I find him, I saw “There you are!” And he jumps out for pets.

  • 27
    Font - Brandi Taylor Catches mice and puts them in the bathtub to play with so it can't get away. Puts mice in my mud boots. Like Reply Hide 18h 8
  • 28
    Font - Fiona J Saxby She licks the curtains! And the sticky bit of envelopes... Like Reply Hide 18h 3
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  • 29

    Spoons me in bed ????????

  • 30
    Font - Maggie Walker Looks at the time on my phone and wakes me up at 5AM Like Reply Hide 18h 503
  • 31
    Human body - Diana Grace Bush She eats her food with her paw and tries to drink her water the same way.
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  • 32
    Font - Ry Elizabeth Licks my eyelids to wake me up 2


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