This trend actually started on TikTok after the new year, but only recently has it really started getting even more attention than before. Basically, you find what phase the moon was in when you were born, which you can do with a simple search online or download the many apps that tell you by entering your birthday. Then you find the moon phase of when your crush was born, and then you line up the photos to see if the moons fit together like a puzzle. If you create a perfect full moon, then you two are soulmates. If you don't mesh together to make a full moon, then we guess you're just two moons passing in the space wind?…

For some reason, it is a huge hit on the app and everyone is giving it a whirl, whether they have been with their sweetie for over a decade or they're just crushin' on someone—even married couples are into the trend. Does it actually work? There is literally no science behind that… So, if you're the kind of person who is going to base your entire relationship on this trend, maybe skip it. In fact, some people on TikTok are annoyed it is even trending because they either think it's dumb and don't believe in it or they take it seriously. Some people believe in astrology and horoscopes and the study of birth charts etc., and some people also put a lot of faith in fate and roll with the randomness of things like the moon phase trend.

However, most people know it is simply a fun little TikTok trend and is harmless. So why get annoyed at anybody for participating?
“It’s just a cute little thing for fun,” one person commented on a Debbie downer talking smack on someone's moon phase soulmate test post. “I bet ur fun at parties lmao,” another person sarcastically added.
Overall, like most TikTok trends this will probably eventually fade into the internet universe with “my money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds” and some weird dance choreography that is cringe now. But for the time being, maybe this trend will be the nudge you needed to say “I do” with the love of your life? Or it is someone further proof that you should make the first move on your crush that you've been too nervous to do. Just remember, it's just a fun little trend, have fun with it!
Moon Phase Soulmate Test TikTok:
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