No matter what people try to tell you, nobody has ever had fun with eating while they're on a diet. Most of the time, that phrase is code for giving up all the foods that bring an iota of joy into our lives, and replacing them with a miserable alternative. This is never truer than when it comes to weight loss companies, who try and make losing the pounds goal-orientated and enjoyable by doing amazing and totally not unhealthy things like calorie counting, and denouncing certain foods as bad.
Another thing about people who choose to diet is that they often get …creative with what they cook, in an attempt to convince themselves that they like the miserable sustenance that is meant to keep them full. This has been shown in all its horrifying glory thanks to a recent TikTok, which presents some of the more egregious examples of meals created under the Slimming World plan. I don't know what it is about trying to lose weight that takes the seasoning out of everything, but it's gross.