Geek Universe

Copycat Crusaders (part 1): 10 Times Marvel 'Borrowed' Characters from DC Comics

  • 1

    Superman (DC, June 1938) VS Hyperion (Marvel, May 1969)


    Superman, the archetypal superhero, has inspired many characters, but none more striking than Marvel's Hyperion. Both characters possess incredible strength, flight, and laser vision. While Superman is the last son of Krypton, Hyperion comes from another universe. They also have different personalities; Superman embodies hope and optimism, while Hyperion is often more conflicted.

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  • 2

    Catwoman (DC, April 1940) VS Black Cat (Marvel, July 1979)

    Cartoon - WAYNE MANOR

    Catwoman and Black Cat are both feline-themed femme fatales with a penchant for thievery, acrobatics, and seduction. They share criminal exploits and romantic entanglements with superheroes. However, Catwoman's relationship with Batman is often more serious than Black Cat's with Spider-Man, and their motivations differ; Catwoman's actions often stem from a desire for justice, while Black Cat is driven by thrill-seeking.

  • 3

    Deathstroke (DC, December 1980) VS Deadpool (Marvel, February 1991)


    The skilled mercenaries Deathstroke and Deadpool share undeniable similarities, from their superhuman healing factor to their nearly identical costumes and also their names - Slade Wilson VS Wade Wilson. However, Deathstroke is a ruthless and calculating assassin, while Deadpool is a wise-cracking, chaotic mercenary with a penchant for breaking the fourth wall.

  • 4

    Green Lantern (DC, July 1940) VS Nova (Marvel, September 1976)

    Cartoon - JIMIGE 2006 NOVA ABNETT LANNING CHEN DENHAM MARVEL WWW.MARVEL.COM ©2011 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Green Lantern and Nova serve as intergalactic police officers with powers stemming from their respective organizations. Green Lantern's power ring is fueled by willpower, while Nova's abilities come from the Nova Force. Although their powers are similar, their characters and stories differ, with Green Lanterns forming a vast corps of protectors and Nova's more singular focus on the character Richard Rider.

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  • 5

    Doctor Fate (DC, May 1940) VS Doctor Strange (Marvel, July 1963)

    Cartoon - 64 Dr. Fate

    Doctor Fate and Doctor Strange are powerful sorcerers who protect the world from supernatural threats. They share similar costumes and arcane powers, but their origins differ. Doctor Fate's powers come from the Helmet of Fate, while Doctor Strange is a former surgeon who learns the mystic arts from the Ancient One.

  • 6

    Green Arrow (DC, November 1941) VS Hawkeye (Marvel, September 1964)

    Cartoon - A BAGLE

    Both expert archers, Green Arrow and Hawkeye have become iconic characters in their respective universes. They each boast incredible accuracy and an assortment of specialized trick arrows to aid them in their crime-fighting endeavors. Green Arrow, a billionaire playboy and social activist, often addresses political and social issues, while Hawkeye, a former circus performer and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, focuses more on teamwork and camaraderie as a member of the Avengers.

  • 7

    The Flash (DC, January 1940) VS Quicksilver (Marvel, March 1964)


    The Flash and Quicksilver share the common trait of superhuman speed, making them some of the fastest characters in their respective universes. While The Flash's powers are derived from the Speed Force, Quicksilver's speed is a result of his mutant genetics. The Flash, often portrayed as the heart of the Justice League, maintains a more optimistic and light-hearted demeanor compared to Quicksilver's often angsty and rebellious nature.

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  • 8

    Batman (DC, May 1939) VS Moon Knight (Marvel, August 1975)

    Head - 200

    Batman and Moon Knight are both vigilantes who use their wealth, gadgets, and combat skills to fight crime. They are driven by personal tragedies and have a contrasting color palette for their costumes. However, Batman's motivation stems from his parents' murder, while Moon Knight is influenced by the Egyptian moon god Khonshu and struggles with multiple personalities.

  • 9

    Darkseid (DC, November 1970) VS Thanos (Marvel, February 1973)


    Darkseid and Thanos are both powerful, cosmic villains with ambitions of conquest and destruction. While Darkseid seeks the Anti-Life Equation to enslave the universe, Thanos's initial motivation revolves around his love for the personification of Death. Both characters have god-like powers and command vast armies, but their origins and motivations set them apart.

  • 10

    Justice League (DC, February 1960) VS The Avengers (Marvel, September 1963)

    Cartoon - BESTWIS

    The Justice League and The Avengers are both iconic superhero teams composed of the greatest heroes from their respective universes. Assembled to protect the world from threats too vast for any single hero, they epitomize teamwork and heroism. While the Justice League boasts a lineup including Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, The Avengers feature Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America among their ranks. Despite their differing rosters, the two teams share a common purpose and display a strong sense of camaraderie in their battles against evil. Their similar roles within their respective universes make them natural counterparts, even as their individual stories and characters set them apart.


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