Breakups send everyone into a tailspin of emotions, often resulting in eager attempts at petty revenge, each trying to get the other back for something or other that happened before, during, or after the breakup. This woman was furious when she found out her ex-boyfriend had cut down the willow tree in their yard, the one they had their first kiss under, where they had shared an incredibly romantic moment. He did it to spite her, but she wasn't one to go down easy. So she called up her landlord and informed him of her ex-boyfriend's deed. Not surprisingly, what he did was very illegal, as you can't just go cutting down trees on other people's property. He was going to be sued or arrested, so instead he had to come right back and finish the job, then plant another tree in its stead.
Now, he was basically in the dirt for the entire day, so to say that he was a little muddy would be putting it lightly. His ex-girlfriend had just one more thing in mind for him when he finished planting the tree. Scroll down to read the full, detailed account of events. For more, here are some confessions by men who shared red flags that make them steer clear of someone they're dating, AKA run out the door.
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