One has to wonder if this was actually a covert message about bad breath. If your manager wanted to reward you for hard work, there are so many better ways in which they could pull this off in a non-humiliating manner. For instance, they could give you a raise (ha! wishful thinking). They could give you some sort of employment perk (ha! also wishful thinking). Ok, well, they don't have to write a handwritten note and a pack of gum! In fact, the handwritten note on its own might have been a perfectly fine gesture. Perhaps it would be slightly underwhelming, but it certainly wouldn't be insulting.
This thread was posted to Reddit by u/nikontuco, the husband of the employee in question. Keep scrolling below to see what people had to say in the comments section! For more stories like this, check out this post about a coworker who got sued and then sued the company.
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