Companies falsely advertise salary ranges far too often, and the consequences are a lot of wasted time on potential candidates' part, never mind the recruiters. OP applied for an account executive job with a job description that offered a salary between $90k and $110k. Yet when OP was asked about salary expectations in the interview, the hiring manager acted surprised with OP's offer… even though his credentials were out of the ballpark.
Companies just don't seem to have a moral compass anymore, and the truth is, the cost of living has gone through the roof, so they shouldn't be surprised when people who have experience demand proper pay. OP followed up with the recruiter, only to be shot down miserably, lied to, and in other words, was denied the very salary they had advertised.
Many people replied with similar stories, and it's comforting to know that even though the world has definitely taken a turn for the worse, at least we're not alone in our frustration. Scroll down for a full, detailed account of events. For more stories like this, here are some clever tenants who found a way to get their landlord to reimburse them for an emergency repair he refused to pay. It involved a bit of laundry and some help from fellow neighbors.
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